Tuesday, June 7, 2011

Love - do we really?

A few weeks ago, my family attended a local conference.  Granted, the speaker wasn't someone that I would pay (again) to see, nor did he keep my wife or kids' attention very long, but I got something from what he said!  Leasa mentioned his speaking style certainly wasn't like our pastor's -- kuddos to Pastor Todd :)
When we say that we "love" someone or something, using that word can be confusing in the English language. We say that we "love" our car - until it starts costing too much to keep;  we "love" food - because it makes us feel good and settles our hunger.  Then we say that we "love" a person- our spouse, friend, pastor, parents, teacher, kids, etc.  
Here's the principle to determine if we really 'love' someone or something....if we can't get from it/the person what makes us feel good, or can't use it for our sake -  do we still "love" it?
The bible teaches us that God is the essence of and author of Love- and true love is found only in Him.  Because He loves people so much, He was willing to give the one person most precious to Him- His Son, Jesus - as the ultimate sacrifice to pay the penalty for humanity's wickedness.  Jesus didn't die on the cross because He knew people liked him or accepted His teachings; no, He died willingly, taking a risk that NO ONE would ever love Him or accept His sacrifice for them.  He and His Father, God, gave up His life even though there was no guarantee that anyone would accept His offer of freedom from sin. 
Now that's real LOVE!
So now we have to ask ourself this question:  If the thing or person you say you "love" would not be able to give you what you wanted or needed, or it/he/she could  not be used by you for your purposes/plans/desires....would you still "love" him/her/it??

This applies to every area of our life, but especially to those in our family and friends that we value...do we really love them with an attitude of giving ourself for/to them if they could never give back? 
Sobering thought, huh??

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