Wednesday, January 19, 2011

What about me?

 A few days ago, I was reading a part of Stephen Covey's book, Principle-Centered Leadership.  He describes the story of a young man who visited his doctor because of feelings of boredom and restlessness.  After speaking with the Doctor and following some of his suggestions for 'recovery', this young man realized the dominant, overwhelming trend in his life was....selfishness.  He never identified with a purpose bigger than himself, but was always asking "What about me, What's in it for me?"
Boredom....have you caught yourself in this trap?  Or maybe you find your mind wondering about things you know are not good for you mentally, or for your spirit.  Or do you find yourself doing things that you once thought "I could never do that because it's wrong", etc?  Theses are symptoms of living only for ourself, instead of living for the purpose of serving others or another purpose outside of our 'normal' life. 
When Jesus came to earth, He didn't show up on a whim, or live like some of us - just going with the flow, no specific direction. He consistently lived His life with a purpose, to find those that were not in a relationship with His Father and tell them about Him. 
What about you?  Are you living for a purpose greater than yourself?   Are you willing to put down your self-centered lifestyle and live for something that is beyond your personal wants or desires?  I'm not saying that you have to live the lifestyle of Jesus and be a preacher/teacher/healer like He was; but when you wake up everyday, do your feet touch the floor with an excitement or expectation of something good....or do you wake up and think "Oh Lord, it's another day" ?
I challenge you to take a few minutes, hours or days - if necessary - to think about your motives for living day to day, minute by minute.  You can find hope, healing and joy by living life with a purpose other than yourself!

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