Wednesday, July 27, 2011

Never Give Up!

My 9 yr old daughter is starting to write short messages about things she is learning in life and how the Bible applies to her life.  I wanted to share one of them with you that will encourage you...(not sure why the white area is still in view, so please forgive the 'look')

Lots of people - I mean lots of people - give up on things like running, or playing baseball, or basketball because they think it's too hard. But with God you can do anything. Read Philippians 4:13;  it says "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me". How many things?  ALL things - not just some things, ALL things.

Do you think when you're in the middle of running a marathon and you give up you are going to come in 1st  place? No you're not - because you gave up. Do you think when your baseball team is losing a game 16 to 5 and you give up you can win? No - because you gave up.  Do you think that when you're playing a basketball game and the other team is bigger than you and you give up you can win? No - because you gave up.
Never give up! That's the last thing you want to do.
Let me tell you a story.  When I was in a baseball game, I had been in this slump where I kept striking out. Well, I was getting tired of it so I got up to bat and I said, "I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me"... and sure enough I hit it! I was so proud but the reason I hit was because I didn't give up.
Here is another story. Our basketball team was playing a team that had won 4 years in a row and no one had scored against them; it was our day to play them so we were all running as fast as we could, trying our hardest. Almost everyone of the team gave up,  but me and another girl didn't, so I stole the ball from the other team and passed it to her;  she shot and made it.  We didn't win but we made a shot off of them - because we didn't give up!
Just remember - don't ever give up !! 

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